The picture shows a girl wearing a witch hat and a long dress standing in a pond. There are lotus flowers in the water and on the shore. There is a full moon in the sky and mountains in the distance. The girl has long hair and pointed ears. She is looking at the viewer with a shy expression.
title Mystical girl in witch hat standing in moonlit lotus pond.
description The picture shows a girl wearing a witch hat and a long dress standing in a pond. There are lotus flowers in the water and on the shore. There is a full moon in the sky and mountains in the distance. The girl has long hair and pointed ears. She is looking at the viewer with a shy expression.
resolution 684x1024
creativity 85/100
likes 18
from Click to get the source of image (1280 x 1920)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
LoRA Anime Lineart / Manga-like (线稿/線画/マンガ風/漫画风) StyleV3.0 MANGA-LIKE
prompt masterpiece, best quality,1girl, adjusting clothes, adjusting headwear, blush, bow, bowtie, breasts, brown eyes, brown hair, cloak, cloud, cloudy sky, crescent moon, dress, fantasy, flower, glowing, glowing flower, hat, light particles, lily pad, long hair, looking at viewer, moon, moonlight, mountain, mountainous horizon, night, outdoors, parted lips, pointy ears, pond, sky, small breasts, star (sky), starry sky, very long hair, wading, water lily flower, wind, witch, witch hat, lineart, monochrome, <lora:animeoutlineV4_16:1>
negative prompt EasyNegative, badhandv4
parameters seed569305115 steps20 samplerDPM++ 2M Karras CFG scale7 clip skip7
elapsed: 4ms0,2,2