The image shows a small, green alien child wearing a brown and red outfit. The alien has large ears and big eyes, and is looking at the camera with a curious expression. It is wearing a brown cloak and a red and brown chest plate. It has a belt with a silver buckle and a brown bag hanging from it. The alien is also wearing a brown glove on its right hand.
title Curious green alien child in brown and red outfit.
description The image shows a small, green alien child wearing a brown and red outfit. The alien has large ears and big eyes, and is looking at the camera with a curious expression. It is wearing a brown cloak and a red and brown chest plate. It has a belt with a silver buckle and a brown bag hanging from it. The alien is also wearing a brown glove on its right hand.
resolution 512x896
creativity 85/100
likes 10
from Click to get the source of image (512 x 896)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
LoRA Warhammer 40,000 - Addon for SPYBG's ToolkitWH40K
prompt a photo of a male (baby_yodah) soldier, wearing a red armor <lora:WH40K:0.6>, tk-char, award winning image, highly detailed, 16k, masterpiece, <lora:groguLora_v1-BABY_YODAH-:0.50>
negative prompt ugly, blur, deformed, cropped, text, letters, watermark, signature,
parameters seed2044868428 steps40 samplerDPM++ 2M Karras CFG scale3 clip skip3
elapsed: 5ms0,3,2