The image shows a modern living room with a large glass window, a staircase, and a high ceiling. The room is furnished with a large sofa, two armchairs, a coffee table, and a rug. The walls are painted white and the floor is covered with light brown carpet. There is a painting on the wall and a vase with a plant in it on the floor. The staircase has black handrails and wooden steps. The living room is bright and airy, and the large glass window offers a view of the surrounding hills.
title Modern living room with high ceiling, staircase, large window, bright ambiance.
description The image shows a modern living room with a large glass window, a staircase, and a high ceiling. The room is furnished with a large sofa, two armchairs, a coffee table, and a rug. The walls are painted white and the floor is covered with light brown carpet. There is a painting on the wall and a vase with a plant in it on the floor. The staircase has black handrails and wooden steps. The living room is bright and airy, and the large glass window offers a view of the surrounding hills.
resolution 960x512
creativity 90/100
likes 32
from Click to get the source of image (960 x 512)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
prompt insanely detailed wide angle architecture photography, cozy contemporary living room,award-winning contemporary interior design,bright warm sunlight, ARCHITECTURE,FURNITURE,INDOORS,BUILDING,LIVING ROOM,ROOM,RUG,PLANT,HOME DECOR,COUCH,CHAIR,INTERIOR DESIGN,intersting lights and shadows,
negative prompt nartfixer, nfixer, nrealfixer,logo, watermark,
parameters seed2282177607 steps30 samplerEuler a CFG scale7.5 clip skip7.5
elapsed: 5ms0,3,2