The image is a Chinese landscape painting in the style of the Song dynasty. It is a vertical scroll, and the main feature is a large mountain in the center of the composition. The mountain is surrounded by smaller hills and trees, and there is a river running through the foreground. The painting is done in ink and wash, and the artist has used a variety of brushstrokes to create the different textures of the mountains, trees, and water. The painting is also very atmospheric, and the artist has used a variety of techniques to create the sense of depth and distance.
title Chinese landscape painting in Song dynasty style with mountains and river.
description The image is a Chinese landscape painting in the style of the Song dynasty. It is a vertical scroll, and the main feature is a large mountain in the center of the composition. The mountain is surrounded by smaller hills and trees, and there is a river running through the foreground. The painting is done in ink and wash, and the artist has used a variety of brushstrokes to create the different textures of the mountains, trees, and water. The painting is also very atmospheric, and the artist has used a variety of techniques to create the sense of depth and distance.
resolution 640x1024
creativity 90/100
likes 26
from Click to get the source of image (640 x 1024)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
LoRA 小人书·连环画 xiaorenshuV2.0
prompt <lora:Moxin_10:0.7> <lora:Moxin_Shukezouma11:0.8><lora:Xiaorenshu_v20:0.25> shuimobysim, (best quality, masterpiece, high resolution), (landscape),(illustration:1.1), harmonious composition, high mountains in background, tallest peak reaches the sky, white clouds wreathed mountains, light and ethereal, cascades, waterfalls among hills, forest, valley mysterious, boats, quiet, solemn, depth of field, 8k UHD, DSLR, soft lighting, Highly detailed, stone bridge, traditional chinese style, (grey|black|white)
negative prompt (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), lowers
parameters seed1468398848 steps30 samplerDPM++ SDE Karras CFG scale2 clip skip2
elapsed: 5ms0,3,2