The image shows a girl with long blond hair and red eyes wearing a red and white dress. She is standing on a stone floor and has a happy expression on her face. She is wearing a red and white hat with a large red bow on the back. The dress has a white collar and white sleeves. The bottom of the dress is decorated with white ruffles. She is wearing red shoes with white socks. There are several colorful crystal-like objects floating around her.
title Blond girl in red and white dress with crystal-like objects.
description The image shows a girl with long blond hair and red eyes wearing a red and white dress. She is standing on a stone floor and has a happy expression on her face. She is wearing a red and white hat with a large red bow on the back. The dress has a white collar and white sleeves. The bottom of the dress is decorated with white ruffles. She is wearing red shoes with white socks. There are several colorful crystal-like objects floating around her.
resolution 796x1024
creativity 85/100
likes 18
from Click to get the source of image (896 x 1152)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.4
Fine-tuning AOAOKO [PVC Style Model]PVC-AOAOKO
LoRA フランドール・スカーレット/芙兰朵露·斯卡蕾特/Flandre Scarlet - Touhou ProjectV1.0
prompt best quality, ultra high res, 1girl, solo, flandre scarlet, <lora:flandre_scarlet:1>, white soft hat, red hat bow, blonde hair, side ponytail, red eyes, shiny eyes, fang, red vest, short sleeves, puffy sleeves, yellow ascot, red frilled skirt, (crystal wings:1.2), bobby socks, mary janes, red shoes, laughing, ((evil smile)), looking at viewer, facing front, full body,
negative prompt EasyNegative, sketches, (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), lowres, ((monochrome)), ((greyscale)), skin spots, ances, skin blemishes, age spots, (username, watermark, text, signature:2), extra hands, extra legs, bad hands, extra fingers, extra hands, twintails,
parameters seed183009575 steps20 samplerDDIM CFG scale8 clip skip8
elapsed: 4ms0,2,2