The image shows Monkey D. Luffy, the protagonist of the anime series One Piece. He is smiling and wearing his signature straw hat. He is surrounded by flames.
title Monkey D. Luffy smiling in straw hat surrounded by flames.
description The image shows Monkey D. Luffy, the protagonist of the anime series One Piece. He is smiling and wearing his signature straw hat. He is surrounded by flames.
resolution 512x768
creativity 85/100
likes 3
from Click to get the source of image (512 x 768)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
LoRA One Piece (Wano Saga) Style LoRAV2_OFFSET
prompt 1boy, wanostyle, monkey d luffy, smiling, straw hat, looking at viewer, solo, upper body, ((masterpiece)), (best quality), (extremely detailed), depth of field, sketch, dark intense shadows, sharp focus, soft lighting, hdr, colorful, good composition, fire all around, spectacular, closed shirt, anime screencap, scar under eye, ready to fight, black eyes <lora:onePieceWanoSagaStyle_v2Offset:1>
negative prompt (painting by bad-artist-anime:0.9), (painting by bad-artist:0.9), watermark, text, error, blurry, jpeg artifacts, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, artist name, (worst quality, low quality:1.4), bad anatomy, watermark, signature, text, logo
parameters seed637315696 steps30 samplerDPM++ 2M Karras CFG scale9 clip skip9
elapsed: 6ms0,3,3