The image is a watercolor painting of an owl. The owl is perched on a branch, and is looking to the left of the viewer. It has brown and black feathers, with white speckles on its chest. The owl's eyes are yellow, and it has a hooked beak. The painting is done in a realistic style, and the artist has used a variety of techniques to create a sense of depth and texture. The background of the painting is white, with some green and yellow watercolor splashes.
title Realistic watercolor painting of owl on branch with yellow eyes.
description The image is a watercolor painting of an owl. The owl is perched on a branch, and is looking to the left of the viewer. It has brown and black feathers, with white speckles on its chest. The owl's eyes are yellow, and it has a hooked beak. The painting is done in a realistic style, and the artist has used a variety of techniques to create a sense of depth and texture. The background of the painting is white, with some green and yellow watercolor splashes.
resolution 512x704
creativity 85/100
likes 3
from Click to get the source of image (512 x 704)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
prompt a watercolor painting of an owl in the evening in the rachelwalker style, watercolor (paper texture) background, high quality, denoise, clean
negative prompt
parameters seed2429523400 steps20 samplerEuler a CFG scale5 clip skip5
elapsed: 7ms0,4,3