The image is a Chinese painting of a young woman in a forest of bamboo. The woman is wearing a traditional Chinese dress and has long, flowing hair. She is standing in a clearing in the forest, and there is a bamboo grove behind her. The painting is done in a realistic style, and the artist has used a variety of techniques to create a sense of depth and atmosphere. The image is also very colorful, and the artist has used a variety of colors to create a sense of harmony and balance.
title Chinese painting of young woman in bamboo forest, colorful and serene.
description The image is a Chinese painting of a young woman in a forest of bamboo. The woman is wearing a traditional Chinese dress and has long, flowing hair. She is standing in a clearing in the forest, and there is a bamboo grove behind her. The painting is done in a realistic style, and the artist has used a variety of techniques to create a sense of depth and atmosphere. The image is also very colorful, and the artist has used a variety of colors to create a sense of harmony and balance.
resolution 772x1024
creativity 90/100
likes 18
from Click to get the source of image (1024 x 1360)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
LoRA 墨心 MoXin墨心 MOXIN 1.0
prompt shuimobysim, girl, woman,bare shoulders, (ecchi0.5), (trees:0.5), (flowers:0.6) ,(birds:0.2), (bamboo0.1), lakes, Hangzhou, wuchangshuo, wuchangshuo in background <lora:shuimobysimV3:0.8>
negative prompt mutated hands, (poorly drawn hands:1.331),(fused fingers:1.61051), (too many fingers:1.61051), bad hands, missing fingers, extra digit
parameters seed2643581225 steps28 samplerDPM++ SDE Karras CFG scale2 clip skip2
elapsed: 7ms0,4,3