The image is set in a dark and gloomy underground tunnel. The tunnel is lined with broken concrete and rebar, and the walls are covered in graffiti. There is a large hole in the roof of the tunnel, and a forest can be seen beyond. Three soldiers are standing in the tunnel. They are all wearing military gear and carrying guns. They look tired and weary. There are several large bags and backpacks on the ground next to them. It looks like they have been traveling for a long time. The image is full of tension and suspense. It is clear that the soldiers are in a dangerous situation.
title Three weary soldiers in dark tunnel, surrounded by danger.
description The image is set in a dark and gloomy underground tunnel. The tunnel is lined with broken concrete and rebar, and the walls are covered in graffiti. There is a large hole in the roof of the tunnel, and a forest can be seen beyond. Three soldiers are standing in the tunnel. They are all wearing military gear and carrying guns. They look tired and weary. There are several large bags and backpacks on the ground next to them. It looks like they have been traveling for a long time. The image is full of tension and suspense. It is clear that the soldiers are in a dangerous situation.
resolution 1024x1024
creativity 90/100
likes 3
from Click to get the source of image (3072 x 3072)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
prompt !3d render, 2men, duo, miniature diorama, 2 scavengers about to explore an abandoned cold war bunker in the woods, backpack, closed bunkerdoor, concept art
negative prompt 3men, 4men, 5men, out of frame, out of view, lineart, cartoon, 2d art, malformed, ugly, unrealistic, poorly drawn, bad quality, medium quality
parameters seed7824127 steps25 samplerDPM++ 2M CFG scale15 clip skip15
elapsed: 6ms0,3,3