The image is a cute cartoon bear. It is black with orange eyes and a white belly. It is sitting in front of a large orange sun. The sun is surrounded by a black hole. The bear is smiling and has its paws on the sun. The background is a dark blue sky filled with stars.
title Cartoon bear with orange eyes sits in front of sun.
description The image is a cute cartoon bear. It is black with orange eyes and a white belly. It is sitting in front of a large orange sun. The sun is surrounded by a black hole. The bear is smiling and has its paws on the sun. The background is a dark blue sky filled with stars.
resolution 768x960
creativity 85/100
likes 4
from Click to get the source of image (768 x 960)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
prompt pokemon with a black hole body and a black bear head merged, blended, pokemon style, 4k
negative prompt bad anatomy, bad proportions, bad quality, worst quality, normal quality, watermark, signature, patreon logo, id, text, bad pixiv id, patreon_username, bad hands, bad arms, sheath, missing limbs, english text, cape, pussy, waving hands,waving, bad-artist, ugly
parameters seed2430535436 steps15 samplerDDIM CFG scale7 clip skip7
elapsed: 6ms0,3,3