The image is a colorful depiction of an ancient Mesoamerican city. The city is built on a series of stepped pyramids, with the largest pyramid in the center of the city. The pyramids are made of large blocks of stone, and they are decorated with intricate carvings. The city is full of people, who are dressed in colorful clothing. The people are engaged in a variety of activities, including buying and selling goods, talking, and walking around. The city is also full of animals, including dogs, cats, and chickens. The image is full of life and activity, and it provides a glimpse into the vibrant culture of an ancient Mesoamerican city.
title Vibrant ancient Mesoamerican city with pyramids, people, and animals bustling.
description The image is a colorful depiction of an ancient Mesoamerican city. The city is built on a series of stepped pyramids, with the largest pyramid in the center of the city. The pyramids are made of large blocks of stone, and they are decorated with intricate carvings. The city is full of people, who are dressed in colorful clothing. The people are engaged in a variety of activities, including buying and selling goods, talking, and walking around. The city is also full of animals, including dogs, cats, and chickens. The image is full of life and activity, and it provides a glimpse into the vibrant culture of an ancient Mesoamerican city.
resolution 450x675
creativity 90/100
likes 5
from Click to get the source of image (450 x 675)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
LoRA Kurzgesagt-ArtStyle LoRAV1-DREAMLIKE
prompt <lora:S1-Kurzgesagt_Dreamlike-000008:1>, civilization,people,building,market,mayan pyramid,sky,day, vector art, Kurzgesagt, sharp focus, (HDR), (8k), (gigapixel), ((masterpiece))
negative prompt lowres, blurry, low quality, bad body anatomy, letterbox, deformity, mutilated, malformed, amputee, watermark, signature
parameters seed3092089156 steps50 samplerDPM++ 2M Karras CFG scale5 clip skip5
elapsed: 6ms0,3,3