The image is of a coral reef with many different types of fish and coral. The water is a deep blue color. The coral is in various colors, including pink, purple, green, and yellow. The fish are also colorful. There is a large blue fish in the center of the image. The fish has big eyes and a large mouth. It is looking at the camera. There are smaller fish swimming around the big fish. The coral reef is in the background of the image. It is made up of many different types of coral. The coral is in various colors, including pink, purple, green, and yellow. The image is very colorful and detailed.
title Colorful coral reef with diverse fish species in deep blue water.
description The image is of a coral reef with many different types of fish and coral. The water is a deep blue color. The coral is in various colors, including pink, purple, green, and yellow. The fish are also colorful. There is a large blue fish in the center of the image. The fish has big eyes and a large mouth. It is looking at the camera. There are smaller fish swimming around the big fish. The coral reef is in the background of the image. It is made up of many different types of coral. The coral is in various colors, including pink, purple, green, and yellow. The image is very colorful and detailed.
resolution 450x675
creativity 90/100
likes 3
from Click to get the source of image (450 x 675)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
LoRA Kurzgesagt-ArtStyle LoRAV1-DREAMLIKE
prompt <lora:S1-Kurzgesagt_Dreamlike-000008:1>,by Pino Daeni, by Ruan Jia, by Alayna Lemmer, by Carlo Galli Bibiena, ocean,sea,fish,coral,water,aquatic,blue background, vector art, Kurzgesagt, sharp focus, (HDR), (8k), (gigapixel), ((masterpiece))
negative prompt lowres, blurry, low quality, bad body anatomy, letterbox, deformity, mutilated, malformed, amputee, watermark, signature
parameters seed1415533922 steps50 samplerDPM++ 2M Karras CFG scale5 clip skip5
elapsed: 7ms0,5,2