The image is a close-up of a human eye. The eye is open and looking at the viewer. The iris is a deep blue color, and the pupil is black. The eyelashes are long and black. The skin around the eye is a light brown color. There is a beautiful mandala pattern in the eye.
title Close-up of a deep blue eye with intricate mandala pattern.
description The image is a close-up of a human eye. The eye is open and looking at the viewer. The iris is a deep blue color, and the pupil is black. The eyelashes are long and black. The skin around the eye is a light brown color. There is a beautiful mandala pattern in the eye.
resolution 1024x1024
creativity 85/100
likes 24
from Click to get the source of image (1152 x 1152)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
LoRA Eye - LoRaEYES_V1.0
prompt depth of field, 1girl, eye focus, close-up, iridescent eyes, star eyes, starry sky, (magic circle), shimmer hair, glowing hair, (iridescent black hair) <lora:eye:0.85>
negative prompt (bad-hands-5), 3d, bad-artist, bad_quality, (bad_prompt_version2:0.7), lowres, bad-artist, bad-hands-5, bad_quality, monochrome, hard_lighting, limited palette
parameters seed3270956251 steps45 samplerDPM++ 2M Karras CFG scale9.5 clip skip9.5
elapsed: 5ms0,2,3