The image is a depiction of a woman's face. She is shown in profile, with her eyes closed and her head tilted slightly upwards. Her face is serene, with a peaceful expression on her lips.

The woman's head is surrounded by a glowing aura, which is made up of various shades of blue, purple, and pink. The aura is also filled with intricate patterns and symbols, which give it a mystical and otherworldly appearance.

The background of the image is a dark, starry night sky. The stars are scattered throughout the sky, and they give the image a sense of depth and mystery.

The overall effect of the image is one of beauty and tranquility. The woman's peaceful expression and the glowing aura that surrounds her create a sense of calm and serenity. The image is also full of mystery, and it leaves the viewer wondering about the woman's identity and the meaning of the symbols that surround her.
title Serene woman with mystical aura in starry night sky portrait.
description The image is a depiction of a woman's face. She is shown in profile, with her eyes closed and her head tilted slightly upwards. Her face is serene, with a peaceful expression on her lips. The woman's head is surrounded by a glowing aura, which is made up of various shades of blue, purple, and pink. The aura is also filled with intricate patterns and symbols, which give it a mystical and otherworldly appearance. The background of the image is a dark, starry night sky. The stars are scattered throughout the sky, and they give the image a sense of depth and mystery. The overall effect of the image is one of beauty and tranquility. The woman's peaceful expression and the glowing aura that surrounds her create a sense of calm and serenity. The image is also full of mystery, and it leaves the viewer wondering about the woman's identity and the meaning of the symbols that surround her.
resolution 1024x684
creativity 90/100
likes 3
from Click to get the source of image (1536 x 1024)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
prompt Diving Into The Ether Flowing with The Eternal Soul Through Vibration of love, everything is connected, Flowing energy, Spiritual, divine, dreamlike, cosmic, concept art, mind blowing, feminine beauty, god, pineal gland, dreamlikeart
negative prompt
parameters seednull stepsnull samplernull CFG scalenull clip skipnull
elapsed: 6ms0,3,3