The image is a portrait of a man with a large head and a muscular build. He has short black hair and green eyes, and his skin is pale. He is wearing a white shirt and has a serious expression on his face. The background is black, and the man's face is lit from below, which creates a dramatic effect.
title Muscular man with serious expression, green eyes, black hair portrait.
description The image is a portrait of a man with a large head and a muscular build. He has short black hair and green eyes, and his skin is pale. He is wearing a white shirt and has a serious expression on his face. The background is black, and the man's face is lit from below, which creates a dramatic effect.
resolution 512x512
creativity 85/100
likes 3
from Click to get the source of image (512 x 512)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
prompt portrait of an obese man, green and black color scheme, sinCity_iamYork
negative prompt cropped, hands
parameters seed667 steps66 samplerEuler a CFG scale13 clip skip13
elapsed: 8ms0,5,3