The image is a depiction of a woman standing on a rooftop in a futuristic city. She is wearing a red kimono with floral patterns and is looking out at the city below. The city is shrouded in mist and there are tall buildings and skyscrapers in the background. The image has a dark and moody atmosphere.
title Woman in red kimono on futuristic city rooftop, dark atmosphere.
description The image is a depiction of a woman standing on a rooftop in a futuristic city. She is wearing a red kimono with floral patterns and is looking out at the city below. The city is shrouded in mist and there are tall buildings and skyscrapers in the background. The image has a dark and moody atmosphere.
resolution 512x768
creativity 90/100
likes 8
from Click to get the source of image (512 x 768)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
LoRA [LuisaP] 🕵🏻 BladeRunner2049 still LORAV1
prompt moviestill, a woman in a red kimono, outdoor, city view, night
negative prompt
parameters seed3389387831 steps30 samplerEuler a CFG scale7 clip skip7
elapsed: 5ms0,3,2