The image shows an owl sitting on a wooden table in a kitchen. The owl is white with black and gray markings on its feathers. It has large, yellow eyes and a sharp beak. The owl is looking at the camera with a curious expression. On the table are lemons, greens, and other food scraps. The background of the image is blurry.
title White owl with yellow eyes perched on kitchen table, curious.
description The image shows an owl sitting on a wooden table in a kitchen. The owl is white with black and gray markings on its feathers. It has large, yellow eyes and a sharp beak. The owl is looking at the camera with a curious expression. On the table are lemons, greens, and other food scraps. The background of the image is blurry.
resolution 1024x440
creativity 85/100
likes 7
from Click to get the source of image (2688 x 1152)
Model Stable Diffusionv2.1
prompt classicnegative photo of a cute snow owl on a table in a pizzeria, haze, halation, bloom, dramatic atmosphere, centred, rule of thirds
negative prompt monochrome, ugly, drawing, render, illustration, anime, human, person, man, woman, watermark, signature, deformed, disfigured, bad anatomy, cloned
parameters seed1692192813 steps20 samplerDDIM CFG scale7 clip skip7
elapsed: 6ms0,3,3