The image is a digital drawing of a bear's head. The bear is facing to the right of the viewer. The bear has dark fur with a lighter muzzle and a light gray patch around its eye. The bear's fur is textured to look like it is made of small scales. The background of the image is a light gray.
title Digital drawing of bear head with textured fur, facing right.
description The image is a digital drawing of a bear's head. The bear is facing to the right of the viewer. The bear has dark fur with a lighter muzzle and a light gray patch around its eye. The bear's fur is textured to look like it is made of small scales. The background of the image is a light gray.
resolution 512x512
creativity 85/100
likes 3
from Click to get the source of image (512 x 512)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
prompt phantatt black and shading grizzly bear head white background bold linework <hypernet:phantatt:1>
negative prompt
parameters seed2328210034 steps39 samplerEuler a CFG scale7 clip skip7
elapsed: 5ms0,3,2