The image is a beautiful depiction of a fantasy village. The village is made up of small, colorful houses that are surrounded by lush greenery. A river runs through the middle of the village, and there is a bridge that crosses the river. The sky is a deep blue, and there are two moons in the sky. The village is lit by a few street lamps. There are also some trees and flowers in the village. The image is very peaceful and serene.
title Fantasy village with colorful houses, river, bridge, moons, and serenity.
description The image is a beautiful depiction of a fantasy village. The village is made up of small, colorful houses that are surrounded by lush greenery. A river runs through the middle of the village, and there is a bridge that crosses the river. The sky is a deep blue, and there are two moons in the sky. The village is lit by a few street lamps. There are also some trees and flowers in the village. The image is very peaceful and serene.
resolution 704x704
creativity 90/100
likes 9
from Click to get the source of image (704 x 704)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
prompt dreamlikeart iridescent fantasy town
negative prompt out of frame, duplicate, watermark, signature, text,(pink:.5)
parameters seed1049933886 steps30 samplerDDIM CFG scale7 clip skip7
elapsed: 5ms0,3,2