The image shows a young woman with long purple hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a black and gold dress with a high collar and a gold necklace with a blue gem in the center. She is sitting at a chess table, with a chessboard in front of her. She has one hand on her chin and the other pointing at the chessboard. She has a confident smile on her face.
title Confident young woman with purple hair playing chess with focus.
description The image shows a young woman with long purple hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a black and gold dress with a high collar and a gold necklace with a blue gem in the center. She is sitting at a chess table, with a chessboard in front of her. She has one hand on her chin and the other pointing at the chessboard. She has a confident smile on her face.
resolution 684x1024
creativity 85/100
likes 3
from Click to get the source of image (768 x 1152)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
prompt woman playing chess
negative prompt blurry, badly drawn face details, missing fingers, deformed fingers, ((deformed)), (cross-eyed), mouth open, (closed eyes), blurry, (bad anatomy), ugly, disfigured, (mutation), (mutated), (extra limbs), (bad body). breasts out of frame, body out of frame, ((distorted and misshapen)), (cross-eyed and unappealing), (closed eyes and dull), blurry and indistinct, (bad anatomy and unflattering), ugly and unattractive, disfigured and grotesque, ((poorly drawn face and lack of detail)), (mutation and abnormalities), (mutated and deformed), (extra limbs and disproportionate), (bad body and awkward proportions), (unflattering clothing and unappealing colors), (unattractive hairstyle and messy), (bad lighting and unflattering), (lack of facial expressions and dull)
parameters seed1991960417 steps40 samplerEuler a CFG scale6 clip skip6
elapsed: 6ms0,3,3