The image is a depiction of a woman with clouds as her hair. The clouds are a mixture of pink, blue, and white. The woman's skin is pale and flawless. Her eyes are blue and her lips are slightly parted. She is looking at the viewer with a serene expression. The background of the image is a light blue sky with a few clouds. The image is soft and ethereal. It evokes a sense of peace and tranquility.
title Serene woman with cloud hair in peaceful, ethereal setting.
description The image is a depiction of a woman with clouds as her hair. The clouds are a mixture of pink, blue, and white. The woman's skin is pale and flawless. Her eyes are blue and her lips are slightly parted. She is looking at the viewer with a serene expression. The background of the image is a light blue sky with a few clouds. The image is soft and ethereal. It evokes a sense of peace and tranquility.
resolution 512x768
creativity 95/100
likes 3
from Click to get the source of image (512 x 768)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
prompt portrait of a beautiful woman, cldgrig-1800
negative prompt
parameters seed2513276974 steps18 samplerDDIM CFG scale5 clip skip5
elapsed: 6ms0,4,2