In the image, you can see a little girl sleeping soundly in her bed. She has a teddy bear clutched close to her chest, and a red dragon plush toy is sitting on her bed, watching over her. The girl is wearing a white nightgown with a ruffled collar, and her hair is dark and short. The dragon plush toy is red and orange, with big, white teeth and a long, serpentine body. It has a friendly expression on its face, and its wings are wrapped around the girl in a protective gesture. The background of the image is a dark blue, with a few stars twinkling in the distance. The overall mood of the image is peaceful and warm.
title A peaceful scene of a sleeping girl with protective dragon toy.
description In the image, you can see a little girl sleeping soundly in her bed. She has a teddy bear clutched close to her chest, and a red dragon plush toy is sitting on her bed, watching over her. The girl is wearing a white nightgown with a ruffled collar, and her hair is dark and short. The dragon plush toy is red and orange, with big, white teeth and a long, serpentine body. It has a friendly expression on its face, and its wings are wrapped around the girl in a protective gesture. The background of the image is a dark blue, with a few stars twinkling in the distance. The overall mood of the image is peaceful and warm.
resolution 768x512
creativity 90/100
likes 29
from Click to get the source of image (768 x 512)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
prompt looking AAA film, sleeping little girl, teddy bear fighting dragon, night, toys, fire,
negative prompt
parameters seednull stepsnull samplernull CFG scalenull clip skipnull
elapsed: 6ms0,3,3