The image is of a young woman with white hair and red eyes. She is wearing a black and red dress with a white collar. She is sitting on a throne made of gold and jewels. There is a large dragon behind her. The dragon is red and gold with a long serpentine body. The woman is looking at the viewer with a serious expression.
title Young woman with dragon on golden throne, red eyes, serious expression.
description The image is of a young woman with white hair and red eyes. She is wearing a black and red dress with a white collar. She is sitting on a throne made of gold and jewels. There is a large dragon behind her. The dragon is red and gold with a long serpentine body. The woman is looking at the viewer with a serious expression.
resolution 450x675
creativity 85/100
likes 24
from Click to get the source of image (450 x 675)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
LoRA [LoCon/LoRA] Nardack StyleV1.0
prompt Nardack,RAW, (intricate detailed), 1girl, solo, pale skin, expressionless, (Black Corset Strap cotton Dress:1.1), white Long-Sleeve Layered Collar Plain Shirt + Neck Tie +Suspender A-Line Skirt, black pantyhose, hghheels, The strap is slimming the waist, (dark fantasy:1.2), (last boss:1.25), white horror theme, grandeur, ((marvelous illustration)), (detailed splash),
negative prompt (easynegative),(signature:1.2),(artist name:1.2),(watermark:1.2)
parameters seed3156343051 steps30 samplerDPM++ 2M Karras CFG scale5 clip skip5
elapsed: 5ms0,3,2