The image is a beautiful landscape painting of a Chinese village. The village is located in a valley surrounded by mountains. The sky is a gradient of orange and pink, with a few wispy clouds. The sun is setting over the mountains, casting a warm glow over the village. The village is made up of a collection of traditional Chinese buildings, with red roofs and white walls. The buildings are surrounded by lush trees and gardens. A river runs through the village, reflecting the sky and the mountains. The image is peaceful and serene, and captures the beauty of the Chinese countryside.
title Serene Chinese village nestled in mountains, bathed in sunset glow.
description The image is a beautiful landscape painting of a Chinese village. The village is located in a valley surrounded by mountains. The sky is a gradient of orange and pink, with a few wispy clouds. The sun is setting over the mountains, casting a warm glow over the village. The village is made up of a collection of traditional Chinese buildings, with red roofs and white walls. The buildings are surrounded by lush trees and gardens. A river runs through the village, reflecting the sky and the mountains. The image is peaceful and serene, and captures the beauty of the Chinese countryside.
resolution 896x600
creativity 90/100
likes 25
from Click to get the source of image (896 x 600)
Model Stable Diffusionv1.5
LoRA 墨心 MoXin墨心 MOXIN 1.0
prompt best quality, masterpiece, highres, shuimobysim, wuchangshuo, bonian, zhenbanqiao, badashanren, mountainous horizon, river, forest, village, sunset, , <lora:Moxin_Shukezouma10:0.8>
negative prompt
parameters seed719926648 steps30 samplerDPM++ 2M Karras CFG scale10.5 clip skip10.5
elapsed: 5ms0,3,2